Did you know Marble is born being limestone on tropical seabed?

Limestone is born on tropical seabed and its sea coasts, as a build-up of fragmented, microscopic and dissolved seashells – mineral calcite – and sometimes with clay layers or lenses of sand.

The tropical shoals from which limestone is raised aren’t indefinitely motionless: the bottom of the ocean slowly moves, slipping underneath the continental plates, gradually reorganizing the world map.

When this movement takes place, it drives the limestone bed into earth’s crust and high temperatures are achieved, causing calcite grains fusion. This is a dynamic process that buries, twists and pushes the rock layers. In this phase, rock doesn’t melt, but gets flexible, just like a chocolate bar in summer. This process is responsible for the trademark veins of marble.

A Marble piece is the result of its birth, growth and long way of life. We collect it marked with its ‘scars’, a product of the Nature with unique personality and which irradiates a strong energy, endowing the ambiences with an incomparable character.
