Almeria Square

Location: Macael, Almeria, Spain

Type: Public Spaces

Status: Built

The renovation of the square is based on a tribute to the Roman Empire who lived in our area during the first centuries. The square is made of 100% white marble from Macael.

Coming into the square, we are greeted by some solid stairs with approximately 10 steps that when we climb them that precede an impressive space introduced by 6 Corinthian Columns almost 7 meters high with an architrave that rests on the columns where you can read the Roman writing: "Plaza Almeriensis. Honor Et Patrimonium Populi Nostri". This square is currently called Almeria -Square.

Next, we will find a Roman pool presided over by the Chirivello; which is the first statue found in our area of the Roman Empire in the first century made of Macael marble and which is currently in the museum of Almeria. The sculpture depicting Bacchus, the God of the vine, wine and mystical delirium. Inside, there is a replica of the planetary mosaic, this is a mosaic that contains a representation of the stars, considered as divinities by the Romans. This Roman-style mosaic is surrounded by 14 3-meter-high Tuscan-style columns.

Finally, 4 Ionic-style columns placate the main fountain, which presides over a sculpture of Neptune (Roman god of the sea and water) of almost 3 meters solid made in a single piece of marble.
