Queen Square, Valencia

Status: Built
Location: Valencia, Spain
Type: Public Space

The project consisted of paving the 12,000 m2 space with travertine from Teruel and Almeria, as well as the elaboration of all the furniture elements such as benches, planters and bases for the Travertine sculptures of Almeria.

The furniture has been composed of 23 circular benches of 2.80 meters by 2.60 meters formed by four solid pieces forming an interior hole where native vegetation has been installed. In addition, in the middle of the square, 12 solid straight benches of 2.40 by 0.45 meters and 19 benches of 1.80 by 0.45 meters have been inserted. In addition, 120 linear metres of 0.45 by 0.50 metres have been made to shape all the straight planters in the square. Finally, the bases of the statues, as well as the km 0 plaque, have also been made of travertine from Almeria.

The project applies sustainable criteria, using materials from nearby quarries in Spain such as Almeria and Teruel, as well as native or naturalized vegetation that requires little maintenance and scarce water, and low-energy lighting. The space is partly financed by European funds, through IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of the Ministry for Ecological Transition) for its significant reduction in the environmental impact of the space.By way of example, this action, together with six other actions, will reduce energy consumption from 7,462,337.4 kWh/year to 2,767,793.15 kWh/year. IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica) por su significativa reducción del impacto medioambiental del espacio. A modo de ejemplo, citar que esta actuación junto con otras seis actuaciones más hará que el consumo energético se reduzca de los 7.462.337,4 kWh/año a 2.767.793,15 kWh/año.

Moreover, 97% of the water consumed in the manufacturing process has been reused for the production of natural stone, while 100% of the surplus material has been reused for the creation of gravel and masonry stone.
