Dubai Millennium - Vision Pavillion

Status: Built
Location: Expo Dubai 2020, EAU
Designer: ICARIA Atelier

Vision Pavilion is a pavilion that pays tribute to the leadership of His Royal Highness, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Sheikh of Dubai. It details the life of His Highness showing his early years and his dedication to learning, his main passions and values, and the representation of the evolution of the city of Dubai in the last 30 years from the sand of the desert to the most top of the world

The design was made by studio from Sevilla Icaria Atelier while Cuellar Stone was able to transfer all these magnificent designs to natural stone to give life to one of the best valued pavilions of the International Exhibition and awarded as the best Pavilion of less than 1,200 square meters of the entire Dubai Expo 2020.

The pavilion is made up of 3 galleries where two monumental sculptures carved in natural stone located in two of the rooms stand out. On the one hand, a gigantic horse torso 7 meters high and 6 meters long, made up of 41 solid pieces of gray marble, requiring a total of 37 cubic meters of stone for its complete manufacture. This work of art honors Dubai Millennium, Her Highness's favorite racehorse. The sculpture perfectly captures every detail of the animal: mane, nostrils, eyes, ears and even its veins. In this room there is also a limestone engraving on the wall illustrating a horse race showing the sacrifices that must be made on the way to victory.

Materials Ruvina Grey

Best Pavilion of less than 1,200 square meters of the whole Dubai Expo 2020
