Hotel Washington Irving, por una vez el romanticismo te dejará de piedra

Hotel Washington Irving at Granada, literature, romanticism and comfort mixed together in this fantastic luxury hotel of privileged location (right on the piedmont of Alhambra Palace), which interior is ambiance in the American writer stories that names de hotel.

A warm and very welcoming space which recreates phrases and sentences of works such as “Tales of the Alhambra” which have inspired the establishmen.

Cuellar has manufactured the materials following the guidelines of the hotel company Hotusa, playing with the several spots that recreate Alhambra’s history and immerse the tourists in the 19th century.

Granites such as Antique Brown, Botticino, Castril Brown and Alabasters compose the different rooms with the sobriety and elegance which distinguish those materials.

Big and small formats, claddings in grated compositions, several texts with bronze incrustations, Alabaster retro-iluminations, infinite worktops and counters with great cute volumes, claddings in different shapes illuminated for staircases, shape and cover the interior of a unique space of this enigmatic building.

A five stars with 63 rooms in which we show, once again, that there are no borders or shapes that withstand stone.
