How to choose the best material for your facade?

entrada piedra natural Dubai

The exterior appearance of our home is an important factor, but it should not be forgotten that both aesthetics and resistance must go hand in hand.

In Cuellar Stone we advise, manufacture and install your facade so that it has an attractive and unique design, with natural stone.

For this reason, we offer you natural stone materials for your facade, which resist the weather and the passage of time, and which, in turn, ensure that the exterior appearance of our houses does not deteriorate over time.

We can choose between sandstones, limestones and travertines, which provide greater hardness and resistance to our facades.




In this single-family house, Floresta Sandstone has been used for the exterior, cornices, window frames, balusters and pilasters and the garden columns have been made in Macael White Marble.

fachada en caliza
Natural Stone Entrance

Custom-designed house in which 150m3 of Moca limestone have been used. A great diversity of elements for the exterior cladding of the house have been manufactured from them: flooring, columns, cladding, chimneys, cornices, balustrades, window frames, chimney caps, arches, etc.

Fachada Madera y Piedra Natural
Fachada en Travertino

Lagasca 99 is one of the most luxurious residential buildings built in the Salamanca neighborhood, in the heart of Madrid's Golden Mile. The building was developed by the prestigious Spanish architect Rafael de la Hoz. The combination of glass and travertine gives it a special beauty that makes this building a reference in the country.

Cuellar Stone, with more than 60 years of experience working with natural stone , is an international reference in the manufacture of turnkey projects and 3D products in natural stone using the latest technologies. The application of nanotechnology for the protection of materials or the use of Honeycomb to lighten the stone, is leading architects, builders, designers and artists to use more and more natural stone for their projects.
