The fireplace as a functional and design item

Without a doubt, a fireplace is the center of the room in which it is placed. Our eyes automatically focus on her when entering a space. For this reason, functionality and design are two attributes that go hand in hand to create a magical atmosphere at home.

More and more people each day choose marble to produce their fireplaces. This natural stone is an enduring material, with a wide range of colors and textures to be selected. By being a material produced by Nature, it has its own design, with veins, grains and shades, ensuring the owner a unique piece.

Furthermore, we cannot deny the ambience a marble piece is capable to create, of luxury, elegance, warmth and strong personality.

CuellarStone, a company specialized in natural stone projects, born in Spain and with a US subsidiary, continues its interior design work, with the production and design of state-of-the-art natural stone fireplaces, with beautiful lines, high quality stone, state-of-the-art machinery and crafts.

More and more houses are receiving these marble-designed fireplaces produced by CuellarStone.

But the clients aren’t only looking for these elements for their homes. Hotels, restaurants, boutiques and more choose to rise up their businesses standards by installing real works of art that attract refined customers or those who look for cozy environments.
